Paint Schedule


Basic exterior colors -
Benjamin Moore Super Spec D.T.M. Alkyd Low Lustre
Deep Base P23 3B
Custom Formulation
OY   17.25
BK   2x   15.88
BB   3x   16.50

Benjamin Moore Super Spec D.T.M. Alkyd Low Lustre
Medium Base P23 2B
Custom Formulation
BK   4x   25.00
BB   2.00
Front door exterior - Benjamin Moore alkyd High Gloss Impervo "PV-107"

Garage (exterior) steel columns and I-beams - California House 218-20 "Palladium Gray"
Photo of can

West-side clapboard - California House 218-20 "Palladium Gray"

Garage doors - Original finish is mix of boiled linseed oil, roofing tar, creosote, thinner, and painter's chuckle; maintained with regular applications of boiled linseed oil
Interior - Ben Moore alkyd Impervo "BT-10"
Interior oak trim - EF (Environment Friendly) Brown Mahogany, topped with Formsby's Tung Oil and then Butcher's Wax
June, 2015 - exterior of garage doors darkened with a stain created with Ronan japan colors —a good glob of Burnt Umber and a dollop of Refined Lampblack— and paint thinner (before a rub of diluted boiled linseed oil)

Street-level oak door - Same as exterior of above
Steel frame of same - - Benjamin Moore alkyd High Gloss Impervo "PV-107"

Garden shed face - Cabot #0241 Bleaching Oil


Tin ceiling backsides - Rustoleum Clean Metal Primer 7773

Tin ceilings of foyer and office primer - Muralo Acrylic Latex Galvanized Metal Primer 1874
Photo of label

Foyer and office (office in shop) ceilings - Benjamin Moore Satin Impervo alkyd "BT-10"

Steel doors primary color - Ben Moore Alkyd Impervo "BT-10"

Steel doors accent color - Ben Moore Alkyd Impervo B-36 KX-36 (X22) -refers to mix, not color number (This color varies over time, with recoats, because of unavailability of matches.)

Oak woodwork throughout most of house -
First step: Ben Moore Interior Stain "237 61 - Victorian Oak"
Photo of can. (This thick, oil-based stain is no longer available, probably best matched by finding the right mix of tints to add to boiled linseed oil.)
Second step: Formsby's Low Gloss Tung Oil applied twice and then buffed with #0000 steel wool
Third step: Butcher's Wax (and regularly maintained with Butcher's Wax)

Panelling in stairwell - second and third of steps above (no stain)

Living room (barrel vaulted) ceiling - Ben Moore alkyd Impervo PV-107

Stairwell ceiling - hand mix of Ben Moore Sani-Flat (flat alkyd)

Baseboard heaters in dining room - Ben Moore High Gloss alkyd Impervo "Black Walnut"

Baseboard heaters in greenhouse - Ben Moore Ironclad Retardo "Deep Bronze Tone" (This is the stuff designed to match the ubiquitous finish on aluminum-framed sashes and other glass structures.)

Dining room walls - Ben Moore Calcomine Recoater (flat white alkyd paint) "HC-33 - Montgomery White"

Hall (back room between kitchen and dining room) ceiling - Panelling is stripped and left without any finish besides the residual varnish left by the stripping process

Hall blue - originally Ben Moore Sani-Flat (alkyd flat) #4 204 94 Deep Blue (custom match color)

Bedroom ceiling - Ben Moore Sani-Flat (flat oil) "OW-48"

Greenhouse apothecary cabinet new parts - Bartley "Jet Mahogany"

Steel struts of studio - General Coatings ( a California brand?) Modified Epoxy Super Enamel (alkyd) "040 - Steel Gray"


Elm Street Ironworks Shop Color: Hunter Green
Machinery / Heavy Metal - Rustoleum (alkyd) High Gloss "Hunter Green"
(Where machinery is black, it's the same paint in high-gloss black)

Ceilings - Wilbur & Williams (bought from California Paints) Styrenated Alkyd TOTRUST Instant Dry High-Gloss "WW1565 Machine Yellow"
Elevated section of ceiling (above Bridgeport) is Semi-Gloss

Shop vestibule platform - California AllFlor Light Gray

Colt-Baxter steam engine accent red -
"Radiant Fire Red" Color code: "R87"
(from 1999 Dodge Avenger)
bought at
Stone Auto Body Supply
174 Arlington St. Watertown 617-924-8900

Marine fire control steam engine - Benjamin Moore Ironclad (alkyd) Quick Dry Industrial Enamel "071 21 - Safety Red"

WWII maple military cabinet pictured here - boiled linseed oil

Patio furniture (tops stained 2012)
Zar Oil-Based Wood Stain 118 Dark Mahogany
Preserved with boiled linseed oil

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